GLONET PVT LTD Cambridge GCE Advanced-Level (A-Level)

Cambridge GCE Advanced-Level (A-Level)

Sunway College has been preparing students since 1994 for the General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level qualification through examinations set and assessed by the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE).

The GCE A-Level qualification places emphasis on in-depth knowledge, deep understanding, strong reasoning abilities and critical thinking. It is arguably the most widely recognised pre-university qualification in the world, readily accepted as proof of superior academic ability for entry into world-class universities around the world. Cambridge is the world’s largest provider of international education qualifications with more than 1,100 examination centres across the globe. Centres with superior course delivery that produces excellent results in the biannual examinations is accorded the status of a “Fellowship Centre”.

The Fellowship Centre status awarded by Cambridge to the Sunway A-Level programme in 2005 is a clear recognition of our excellent delivery system and ensuing top-notch results on a world stage. We have a consistent track record of outstanding academic performance and a string of international awards won by our students.

The Cambridge A-Level curriculum provides a bedrock of foundational knowledge and comprehensive coverage in the breadth and depth of subjects offered. Students are assessed on their mastery of subject matter, their application of knowledge, understanding of everyday scenarios and their ability to think critically in unfamiliar situations. In the Sciences, a fair part of the assessment involves demonstration of laboratory-based skills.

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