GLONET PVT LTD BSc (Hons) Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology

Studying psychology will allow you to gain an in-depth understanding of how we learn, think, feel and adapt to our social environment. The programme covers both normal and abnormal behaviour, and deals with the biological, social and individual factors that affect human psychology. The programme also includes supervised fieldwork, during which you will have the opportunity to apply your newly acquired knowledge and understanding in a real-world setting.

Through the practical application of all you have learned, you will acquire the skills and attributes necessary to evaluate and understand the many different facets of human behaviour. You will also consider the complex ethical issues that arise throughout your studies, so that upon graduation, you will be able to use all you have learned for the betterment of human welfare.

A degree in Psychology is the gateway to a variety of exciting career prospects, from forensic scientist to helping businesses understand their customers and even helping sports men and women to perform at their highest potential. A degree in psychology can also open up career prospects in advertising, public relations, administration, retail services, marketing, journalism and even the legal profession, to name but a few.

On successful completion of the programme, the graduates will also be awarded with a degree from Lancaster University. They will be awarded two certificates, making them graduates of both Sunway University and Lancaster University.

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